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Hideka Tonomura



Born in 1979, Hideka Tonomura graduated from the Broadcasting and Filmmaking Department of Osaka Visual Arts School and began photography in 2002. She published her first photobook “mama love” in 2008 with Akaaka Art Publishing, revealing her deepest pain and the dark, hidden secrets of her family, leaving an unforgettable impression. In 2013 she published “They called me Yukari” with Zen Foto Gallery, in which she documented the life and people around her when she was working as a hostess in Kabukicho, Shinjuku. Her publications include “orange elephant” (Zen Foto Gallery, 2015), “cheki” (Morel Books, 2018), “die of love” (Zen Foto Gallery, 2018), “SHINING WOMAN #cancerbeauty” (Zen Foto Gallery, 2020) and “mama 恋 love” [New Edition] (Zen Foto Gallery, 2021). Actively presenting her work in and out of Japan, she participated in a group exhibition titled “Shikijo: Eroticism in Japanese Photography” in Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong in 2016 and a group exhibition in Daiwa Foundation Japan House Gallery in 2018.

She will launch the ‘SHINING WOMAN PROJECT’ in 2019, a portrait project dedicated to women fighting cancer.

Her work is currently presented in the exhibition “Love Songs” at Maison Européenne de la Photographie and in the programme “10/10 Celebrating Contemporary Japanese Women Photographers” at Kyotographie this year.

Her debut work "mama love" was collected by MEP Paris Maison Européenne de la Photographie in 2022.


1979年生まれ。大阪ビジュアルアーツ放送・映像学科卒業後、2002年より写真を撮り始める。2008年、自身の家族の日常を赤裸々に撮った「母恋 ハハ・ラブ」を赤々舎より出版。鮮烈にデビューし、世間に重い衝撃を与えた。2013年には、新宿歌舞伎町でホステスとして夜の人々と生きながら撮った「ゼィコードゥミーユカリ」をZen Foto Galleryより出版し発表した。近年の著作に「orange elephant」(2015年、Zen Foto Gallery)、「cheki」(2018年、Morel Books)、「焦がれ死に die of love」(2018年、Zen Foto Gallery)、「SHINING WOMAN #cancerbeauty」(2020年、Zen Foto Gallery)、「母恋 ハハ・ラブ」新装版 (2021年、Zen Foto Gallery)がある。また、国内のみならず海外での活躍も目覚ましく、2016年には香港のBlindspot Galleryにて開催された「Shikijo: eroticism in Japanese photography」展、2018年5月にはロンドンのDaiwa Foundation Japan House Galleryにて開催されたグループ展などに参加し、2019年には、がんと闘い向き合う女性のポートレートプロジェクト「SHINING WOMAN PROJECT」を立ち上げた。

2022年3月から始まったパリのヨーロッパ写真美術館のグループ展「Love Songs」、4月にKYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭において開催された10人の女性写真家によるプログラム「10/10 現代日本女性写真家たちの祝祭」にも作品を出品し、​同年秋にデビュー作「母恋 ハハ・ラブ」がパリにあるLa MEP ヨーロッパ写真美術館にMEPコレクションとして収蔵された。


Selected Solo Exhibitions 

2004 “Unlucky Family”, Nikon Salon, Tokyo & Osaka 

2005 “Tonomura Hideka Shageki -0305-”, UPLINK, Tokyo 

2007 “Viva Hostess’ s Life”, Club Ginko, Tokyo 

2011 “mama 恋 love”, trunk gallery81, Seoul, Korea 

2013 “They called me Yukari / mama 恋 love”, Zen Foto Gallery, Tokyo

2016 “orange elephant”, Zen Foto Gallery, Tokyo 

2016    “orange elephant”, Galería About Art, Pontevedra, Spain 

2018 ”dei ofl ove”, Zen Foto Gallery, Tokyo  
2020    "SHINING WOMAN #cancerbeauty",Zen Foto Gallery,Tokyo

2021    "Paint Cheki", Place M, Tokyo
2021    "SHINING WOMAN #cancerbeauty", Okayama Gender Equality Promotion Center, Okayama


2022    "Love", Zen Foto Gallery, Tokyo
2023    "They called me Yukari",Zen Foto Gallery,Tokyo

Selected Group Exhibitions  
2008 “THE EXPOSED #3”, G/P Gallery, Tokyo 

2009 “THE EXPOSED #4”, CASO, Osaka    

           “Editors’ Choice”, Ring Cube Ricoh Gallery, Tokyo    

           “8 Photographers Experiment”, AKAAKA, Tokyo 

2011 "Japan India Global Partnership Summit", The Prince Park Tower, Tokyo

2012 "Nofound Photo Fair", Paris 

2013 "TOKYO PHOTO',Tokyo

           "FOTOFEVER", Paris 

2015 "Cork Photo", Ireland    

           "FOTOFEVER", Paris 

2016 “Shikijo: eroticism in Japanese photography”, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong 

2017 “i am an ‘object’”, Zen Foto Gallery, Tokyo 

2018    “Double Method”, Daiwa Foundation Japan House Gallery, London 

2020    "PHOTOBOOK AND PRINT EXHIBITION",La Galerie-Paris 1839,Hong Kong 

2021    "Women are fashioning", Jimei×Arles International Photo Festival, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre Xiamen, China

2022    “10/10 Celebrating Contemporary Japanese Women Photographers”, KYOTOGRAPHIE 2022, Kyoto
2022    "Love Songs", Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris

2023    "PHOTO LONDON 2023"

2024    "soul trip" ARLES ASSOCIE 2024 Les Rencontres de la photographie KYOTOGRAPHIE TRANSCENDANCE -超越-


MEP Paris Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris



mama ​恋​ love ​(AKAAKA Art Publishing Inc., 2008) 

They called me Yukari ​(Zen Foto Gallery, 2013) 

orange elephant​ (Zen Foto Gallery, 2015)

cheki​ (Morel Books, 2018)  

die of love (Zen Foto Gallery,2018)

SHINING WOMAN #cancerbeauty (Zen Foto Gallery,2020)

mama 恋 love New Edition (Zen Foto Gallery,2021)

TOXIC (Zen Foto Gallery,2022)

They called me Yukari New Edition (Zen Foto Gallery,2023)



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